Graphic Design I


Expressive Words

Project 1: Expressive Words

Medium: Photography, physical typography, staged environments Students were challenged to combine a physical scenario/construction with a word that synergistically works together to create a larger impression or meaning. Beyond just naming what we see, students were asked to create layers of interest and go beyond the expected, all the while using the design process as a guide. Any physical space or material was fair game for this project. Attention was given to careful craftsmanship.

Social Construct

Big Picture, Small Parts

Project 2: Big Picture, Small Parts

Medium: Pen & Ink on Bristol Students were challenged to combine 2 subjects/categories (one represented in the large and one in the small) to create a larger meaning or statement. The main challenge was to use strong shapes that could communicate in silhouette from a distance, providing the viewer with fast, clear, exciting impressions. Photographs of the objects were carefully referenced and drawn from, and pre-existing symbols, icons, logos, and designs were avoided. The results create commentaries and associations that compel audience engagement.


Pattern & Color Motif

Project 3: Pattern & Color Motif

Medium: Matte acrylic paint on Bristol

Students were challenged to work with 2 essential shapes to create 2 different arrangements (via repetition, placement, scale, overlap, rotation, and reflection). These key arrangements were then realized in a repeating motif through a variety of underlying grid ideas (brick, stack, radial, isometric, exponential scale change, etc).

Through our study of color theory (via color wheel creation from only primary colors, black, and white), they chose carefully-considered relationships, 4 different colors for each pattern, and black and white as well. The resulting pattern motifs display color in a variety of ways, allowing the viewer to notice interactions between them, including what comes forward, and what pulls back in perceived space (figure/ground relationships).


Modular Alphabet

Project 4: Modular Alphabet Medium: Digital creation of font (.ttf file) Students were challenged to work with a simple 3-module set of shapes to build a modern English (Latin) alphabet. Through rotation, reflection, and placement, they built according to established custom rules (3 or more) governing the system. Shape associations were considered and essential gestures were identified to inform the process. The resulting alphabets in the gestalt take on a variety of sometimes surprising moods, as well as a mix of highly readable to more abstract.
